Saturday, 18 June 2016

The oh so perfect Topsy and Tim!

Well, where to start on this one! I really think that this programme gives people a delusional idea of what it is like to have twins, never mind a singleton. How many children would be able to count to 10 and everything be alright having lost a balloon. Most I know would still be upset about it an hour later.

Now todays episode had Topsy getting chicken pox. Nothing wrong with that but I love how the fact that within hours Tim gets them too in exactly the same places as Topsy! When Douglas had chicken pox I spent the entire time closely examining Harry everyday twice a day, and for the entire 2 weeks after Douglas's last spot had gone. But did he get them? No! He still hasn't had them now, about 15 months later. Other twin parents I know of had their twins get them one after the other, so had about 2-3 weeks of not being able to go out. I for one would have loved it if they had them at the same time. Poor Douglas still had to go on the school run.

Don't even get me started on how they seem to have no other identity except that of twins, it's always things like twintastic Topsy etc. What's wrong with them just being Topsy and Tim, twins but also two individuals, with different likes and dislikes?

There are some days that I would love it if mine were as perfect as Topsy and Tim are. No wonder their mum is always so calm!