Saturday 29 November 2014

Harry's day with Billy Bear

The other day Harry came home with the class teddy, Billy bear. I asked Harry what he would like to do at home. He chose to make apple muffins!
Here are some pics of our day.

Harry was really sweet and held Billy's hand to the whisk so that he was able to help with the mixing! The following morning Harry asked if he could take some of the cakes into school for his teachers. Harry really enjoyed bringing Billy Bear home from school.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Superhero day

For children in need the boys school had a superhero fundraiser. I got the boys the children in need capes to wear. They then spent the day at school doing things about hero's, both the super and the local kind. Here's a couple of pics.

The school managed to raise just over £162. I think this is a brilliant amount, as there is a maximum of 180 pupils in the school. The teachers also dressed up as superheros.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Sweet bonfires

For bonfire night we made sweet bonfires. We put a chocolate bourbon biscuit at the bottom, and then stuck on matchmakers using icing. We then used strawberry laces to make a bit of fire. I also gave them other small sweets, laces and writing icing to make some fireworks.

                                         My demo!



They seemed to have more fun making them than they did eating them! I must have the only children who are not that big on sweets!

Saturday 1 November 2014

Little wizards

The boys had a fancy dress party today and went as two little wizards. One of the dads kept calling Douglas Harry Potter! Douglas seemed to quite like this and I think that this is the only time he hasn't got cross at someone calling him Harry!
I must admit that I hadn't thought of that. When I got the costumes I was just pleased to find something that wasn't Halloween or a superhero that the boys haven't heard of!
Here's some pics of the boy wizards:

Harry came up with an ingenious idea of how to carry a wand (he's obviously listened to mad-eye moody about loosing a buttock!)